Hola Familia!! Hahaha Yes you can send pictures of last year Indian Creek it won't kill me. That is super cool and such a small world about Elder Harris!! Micheal got a job that crunches me hopes and dreams of living with them in the same house!! :( ha To Montpelier area so jealous!! All the pines and so close to camp crazy stuff. That is fun that Dad has been up to camp cutting wood. In 2 days Ruby will be 1 right? Is it bad that I don't forget that I have a Niece I just don't remember all the time?? Oh man also tell Melisa the Blog pictures don't work with this email? Hey hey Ask JJ Want B vitamin you take for mosquitoes? Crazy stuff about missionary work right? It made you cry Mom? That just means that I have the best Mom in the world. TONS of Sister Missionaries!! WOW A return missionary was sitting in front of us during the conference when they were singing and he leans back and Says I am glad they weren't that cute when I was there ( in the MTC) . (Don't take that joke inappropriately) I think that it is fun with a new companion. In reminds me when I would speak in Spanish and people would look at my companion and say Que? Or when people speak to him and he looks at me and says what? Oh wait that stuff still happens to me haha. If you can understand what I just wrote you know me way to well. Haha Because reading thought that I just though that makes sense to me but a don't think it will to anyone else. It is good the Elder Harris say a crazy boy from Idaho right?! I am changing a lot but I am still me!! haha So when does Justin Leave to the MTC? I forget? July 12 just found it!! :) Crazy!! The weather has been hot down here and no rain sad love the sweet rain storms down here. Well just write my How Indian Creek is next next week... Pictures yes those are fine. Tell everyone Hi and that i am doing Awesome! :p Love you guys so much!!
Elder Wilding
Dear President Trayner,
I what to thank you and your Wife for all the love, help, and support that you have been to me at to the Mission.
This week turned out to be a good week of being able to find people and having the success of bring them to church.
We found a member who moved into our area for 4 years and no one knew it. She lives alone and has a ton of kids she is a big part-member family and she has been needing some help. She works on Sunday so we are going to help her get that off. In the family there are 3 girls who were never baptized.
We also found a family called the Pantoja family and 3 of them came to church the Dad had to work and the oldest Daughter wouldn't get up.
Also 2 weeks ago through a recent convert we found a lady named Marlen Ramirez and she came to church.
This week we want to focus on getting the members to surrounded these new people so they will want to come back to church and feel of the spirit.
Elder Miller is doing really good and working progressing super fast. He has good confidence too.
South Gate is dong well they have to clean out their teaching pool and gather more people they have been working super hard but things were just not working out. They are doing good though and I know they will find prepared people this week.
Love you so much!!!
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
June 17, 2013
Yes Happy Fathers Day DAD!!! A little late but I forgot that it was going to be fathers day on last Monday. Also Happy Birthday Mom too I know it is in a week in a half but just to be safe!!! :) So how is getting ready for Indian Creek :) haha trunky jk I remember last year oh crap that was last year?!?!? TATE told me that the Indian creek week can be a trunky one in the mission. :) How is the weather there? We have the last Zone conference with President on Friday and it was a big one. Car checks super in depth and 72 hour kits, also Apartment checks- area book check by President and Sister Trayner! They came to our apartment and just jacked us on our older area map so that was super good!! The meeting lasted from 8 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon. We would have ended early but in was another flash flood!! The Hillside Church sits on a Hill so the streets were like rivers. You could hear the rain pound the ceiling and the thunder shook. Even our recent convents got stuck at home depot. It is fun having a greenie. I had to do my first interviews and it was in Spanish I need to study a few words in Spanish like probation and that is it. I said it in English and good thing the young lady for Honduras has been here long enough to know what that is. oops It was the Zone leaders investigator and they forgot a lot of things to prepare so I had nothing only the questions in English for my planner. It was a good experiment she read the whole book of Mormon in 3 weeks!! Also what is the vitamin you take to not get bit by mosquitoes ? B12? It is weird to thing that you guys are in summer because summer and winter fell mostly the same. During winter here you forget that you guys have snow. Weird. Well what is new? Is everyone going to go to Indian creek? I am glad that Email has spell check now because I am miss spelling a ton of words. It makes me think how bad my other ones were? I got the water bottle thanks!! I needed it. Love you guys so much!! :D
Monday, June 10, 2013
June 10, 2013
Oh man that is crazy about Alexis kind of sad that she leaves 2 weeks before but will she be in the MTC at the time he gets home because they do small visits for that stuff. So I am doing good her in Laredo. Found out on Tuesday that I am fallow up training that would have been nice to know. But here we go. His name Elder Miller he is from Michigan. Now that make 3 of the 4 companions I have had from the East. He has been in the Field 6 weeks and that is hard to be transferred out of your first area that fast but he is doing awesome. He has a sweet accent in English and an even awesomer one in Spanish. He has lots of Greene Fire which is awesome. The District is a young district we have to greenies in the apartment and Elder Bawden hadn't hit a year yet. :) We had a baptism yesterday First one of the Mission for Elder Miller It was fun he was so nervous. I gave a good hint to Ana to Ask Elder Miller to baptize her. :) So He baptized her and one of the Twins and I baptized the twin girl. I have pictures so I will send them. There has been rain down here and I am loving it. :) Elder Sanderson got sent to my old apartment in Edinburg just below my greene area crazy!! Why was Alexis crying so much? Sydnee is tall!! Working hard here it is getting hotter and hotter. Doing well in my first week as a district leader haven't messed up to bad haha. :)
This is the Family that just got baptized (I think)
The New Companion! Elder Miller!
All of them together!
Dear President Trayner
This week was a good one it was a one of working hard but smart at the same time. I didn't know I was follow up training so that was fun to find out. :) We have been working with the members and are recent converts to find more. Elder Miller is great and has tons of greene fire and faith which is awesome. He already has improved in Spanish and contributing in the lessons.
The Chick family was baptized this weekend and are doing so good and have friends in thee church.
We were able to find a good amount of people this week that were right to hear the gospel. We were able to work well with finding through referrals and then just working there a little if the people weren't home or not interested. Then we would find the people that were ready.
We were able to go back to Gloria Orozco who we stopped teaching for a little bit because she had her baby and had to recover from that. She was able to make it to church with her small new baby also.
Southgate with Elder Bawden is doing good with his new greene. They have been working really smart through members and Part members to find. It paid off they were able to find only 2 new people, however, they came to church which shows that it might be a little slow at the being but vale la pena. We are doing good has a district and work to be able to have a good month next month.
Amor, Elder Wilding
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Stolen Pictures!
These pictures are from the district leadership training!

I love this picture because Kyle is in the back ground talking! He makes that hand motion a lot!
I love this picture because Kyle is in the back ground talking! He makes that hand motion a lot!
Monday, June 3, 2013
Pictures from Elder Sanderson
These are pictures from Kyle's companion! I actually know what they are because he told me :)
The Robles Family. (Francisca (mom) Stephanie (older daughter) Emily (younger daughter) and Rudolfo)
Our recent convert Mellisa made us this pillowcases...random but cool haha
Southgate Elders (Bosselman y Boawden) and Rio Bravo (Wilding y Yo)
Me and the tarantula we found
Us and the Robles after we destroyed the pinata
Us and our legit mustaches
Good ol' Laredo
David and Jainie and us at their wedding
Elder Wilding ... well being himself
June 3, 2013
Yes I am staying and Elder Sanderson is going to my old apartment in Edinburg just different area right below my last one. I will fallow train on a new missionary that has been in the mission for 6 weeks I think? Then Elder Bawden is Train too getting a fresh greenie so that we now have a super young district it will be fun I am a little nervous but? haha that is crazy school is out. In sacrament I don't know we I am doing good working, getting burnt from the sun and learning and growing everyday. I am happy. That is crazy Kenna is engaged Crazy that they got it on picture!! I know so happy for her! I don't want Elder Sanderson to leave but we have been together for a good while it was a miracle that we were companions. I want you guys to know that I love you and can feel your prayers everyday. Keep praying for the district my companions and the whole world! :D There are so many changes in the mission coming up and that have passed. We get a new president in a month which is crazy!
Amor, Elder Wilding
Querido Presidente Trayner,
Hubo muchos cambios en Laredo esta transferencia. Tuvemos una semana bien.
La familia Robles fueron confirmados la semana pasada. Ellos estan haciendo muy bien.
Y la famila Chick ellos no pudieron ser baptizados por que tuvieron que ir a Zapata porque la hijastra de ellos estaban en la carcell. Pero ellos estan haciendo muy bien todavia.
Pudemos hallar 2 personas de una converso reciente y uno refferiencia tambien. Unos de ellos se llama Felipe es el primo de Mellisa que apenas se bautiso. En el tema de encontrar tenemos que lograr esta meta mas.
El Elder Sanderson esta bien un poco nervioso para salir y ser un lider pero yo tambien. Estoy agradecido por el y su ayuda, ejemplo, y apoyo.
Estoy animado para poner en practica el compromiso para no tocar las purtas.
Amor, Elder Wilding
Amor, Elder Wilding
Querido Presidente Trayner,
Hubo muchos cambios en Laredo esta transferencia. Tuvemos una semana bien.
La familia Robles fueron confirmados la semana pasada. Ellos estan haciendo muy bien.
Y la famila Chick ellos no pudieron ser baptizados por que tuvieron que ir a Zapata porque la hijastra de ellos estaban en la carcell. Pero ellos estan haciendo muy bien todavia.
Pudemos hallar 2 personas de una converso reciente y uno refferiencia tambien. Unos de ellos se llama Felipe es el primo de Mellisa que apenas se bautiso. En el tema de encontrar tenemos que lograr esta meta mas.
El Elder Sanderson esta bien un poco nervioso para salir y ser un lider pero yo tambien. Estoy agradecido por el y su ayuda, ejemplo, y apoyo.
Estoy animado para poner en practica el compromiso para no tocar las purtas.
Amor, Elder Wilding
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