Pedals thank you so much!!!! So we will start out will funny stories before I forget them. So last week I cut my hair myself... Well we all know what that means haha jk it is different this time. I was cutting it and all those years of making fun of Dad and Mikes hair well the lack of. I was cuttnig it and yes the top its growing like the sides are!!!! :'( I am going bald it is afishall (Sp) Ihave accepted the fact that my golden hair is not like it use to be. Also next story I know a Elder Sivla that works in the same ward as I do and He worked up in Laredo when I did. He is from Brigham City and he went to Box Elder and knows Jackson and Alexis. so on the way home we start to talk about this my companion and the other elders. Then My companion says to me Well I have Cousins that live up there too. Well step cousins he says. ME just joking around says I bet I know them.?!? What are there names? You don't know them he says. They are the Walentine. I don't know them I replied? What are there first names? The first name he says Ali Walintine. ahhahah What? I had a "thing" with her (If you want to call it that) When I said that he didn't believe me. Partly becuase whill having pillow talk We confirmed Elder Wilding never really kissed a girl 7th grade doesn't really count. Then he says oh you do what does she look like then. Sp I tell he everything also that she played vball and makes you lauh. Ha I might be embarrassed if My Aunt Melleone and sweet Cousin Alexis send this to Ali? So such a small world it is that it is like that also small world. Elder Casteel tells me to marry her so we can some how be laraded (Sp)? I also talked to a guy in Wal mart that just got home from a missiona 2 months ago in the pocatello mission. cool. He never severed in our stake. Suoper sorry I got the computer again wwith no spell check I can't speak English right or spanish and can spell either of them right hahahahah jk. Learning a lot out here. Transfers are in a week crazy to think they are already here. That is so crazy that michaell and Melissa start so soon!? How far away d mIke and Kim Life from Huntin camp? :) Also I want poictures of there new house and our house. Also we had a lesson out in a field this last week at 3 o'clock and there was no clouds or shade and I was facing the sun the whole time so I got super burnt I thought that I was already dark from being down here but that didn't happen. I will send pictures it is funny. Also made a birthday cake this week for my campions bday that was a little bit back. I gave him a complex ( I know that word from Corey Farnsworth) Becuase one day he was saying how good he looks just playing around and I told him that he is conceded ( learned that word through a furgy songs before the mission of couse ha) and he was like what does that mean??? And I wouldn't tell he then he asked Elder Jackson when we were don't serve and he said oh I know that word that is you. and so My poor compion didn't find out then I sang the Song "Your so vain" That I though through Melissa ann and he didn't know what that meant so then I laught and told him then he says hey why do you call my that? I said i was joking so I gave him a complez. I also know what the word Abyss is becuase I had to look it up in spanish becuase they are similar becuase if I didn't I wouldn't have know what that was. Aunt Mellenoe used it in her email to describe the drive way. :D I hope that you are all understanding this email becuase I don't know if I am giving enough back ground to understand it. It is like when I went to your family class before I left I feel like you if you really know me you understand me and know where I am going and what I am talking about. :D If not ask. I also fun a half written letter to Kyns from like 5 months ago That I am hoping to finish today and send it. :) Also can't believe the summer is fading so fast before you know it Michael the Elk will start to go in to the rut becuase it will start to cool off but down here no. :) I am learning so much and love being a missionary and love my companion and my area with all my heart. I love training it is an adventure that never stops. Oh another story before I end. SO we have been trying to reactiveate a super cool less active spanish family so last night we ran out to see what happened with church and to tell them we missed them there. We are over there and the Hermana had to go to court this last week for something with not having papers... Well lets just say I am not to well with that kind of vocabulary in English so I can't expect it to be better in Spanish. ahaha There was a lot of Como? Mande? Que? No se que sinifica eso? In that conversation. haha she can laughing at me I was having a hard time to understand her? Then she is working on her trailer so we ask what she needs to do more so we can help? She then starts to ask us if he know how to do this or that talk about construction words and power tools. Dad would know that. I don't know them in English that well so I dont in spanish. hahah I left feeling like I didn't speak spanish. haha So while riding back to the Apartment Elder Casteel What was she saying? Ha I don't know I say just about court and other stuff she has to work on. I got the most part just not all :p Love you tons!!! I will be praying for all of you!! I love you had miss you tons!! :)

Birthday Cake with new tshirt from family
El es Chiflado
Sun Burn
Other Sun Burn
A crazy pic it reminds me when Mike had the where's mike pic from miss
(I have no clue what this means but this is what Kyle labeled the photo)
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