Yes I had to get some bike stuff at Walmart. Ugh I hate spending money. I also had to take some out to get some one married well we still need to go and get it. It isn't My patriarchal Blessing it is great-grandpa Wilding's. I was doing family history and found out you can request ones of your ancestors. I got the package in the mail today. Mom you can tell me that some one died then not tell me who it was that is worse. I will just have to ask Melissa she will tell me she tells me everything. :) Wow 50 years that is super awesome! That is a funny about Ruby I bet she is the best. She so sounds like mike it is crazy. Can't wait to see her I have a fear that she want like me and I will want to love her like cwazy. Yes I sorry about starting it out like that. I mother in English ward bore her testimony and her son is on a mission and his bike got hit by a car but he saw it coming and jumped off before and the mission office called her and she was crying the whole time now I feel real bad sorry. So before I start out this next story I am fine! Nothing happened. I fell off my bike this last week and it wasn't bad at all. We companion and I started to play tag on the bikes ( not on the busy road just in the neighborhoods) to have fun more fun while on the bikes and make us go fast to appointment when I say us I mean Me. One nigh going back to the apartment we were playing just that and I took a corner to fast and pulled back brake this time :) not front and rolled off my bike the opposite way of the corner so not into the comer. I didn't lean very good just how it isn't good if you don't lean right with the 4 wheeler so I flipped up onto the curb laughing the whole time and nothing happened but We had a awesome laugh! Ok Another funny story. So we all know I was a garbage disposal at home when it came to food right? We also know that I am a very cheap person Like My Mom and will do anything to get the bargain! Like when you open Christmas gifts and say oh mom that is too much money and then she says clearance rack koles or something like that but if it is me it is like Dollar store, Family dollar, Goodwill, Or DI!!! However, We were given some food by a member and they was this Milk that had been frozen ever since it had been bought. So I put it in the fridge to make it liquefy again so you could drink it. So during weekly planning went to get a cookie and milk with it and I start to drink the milk and my companion he comes from a family that doesn't buy off brand of care about deals or clearance. So he will not drink it. SO I start to drink it and it has a funny texture and then I am like maybe I shouldn't drink this? So I poured it out with the other milk then I found out while dumping the other milk other that it was just tiny little ice crystals and the milk tasted good and was good so It made me made that I wasted milk. Also my companion though it would be funny to say this whole last week that he was going to vacuum and not me because he knows how much I love it. So today he gapped the vacuum to tease me and so it was funny because when fought about it then I won and vacuumed. I got the sample of the carpet too! I want to take a nap on it! Sorry that my stories aren't very funny or entertaining this week. Our investigators are doing really good and are loving the gospel and feeling the changes in their life's. Transfers are coming up and I am getting nervous. I don't want to go or have my companion leave :) Truckie story time!!! So you can't control dreams so not my fault. So it is Bow season I am aware of that but it doesn't make me trukie but I had a dream that Mike and I were Bow hunting and I think doing missionary work in the dream too???? other people were there but I can't remember to well. However, We were set up on Wolf mountain in the pines and there Were Bull Elk Bugling all around, how it can do that on the mountain, and we were set up and calling them in and one huge huge bull elk stepped out and I pulled back shoot it and Mike shoot it before me! That made me mad because just how he did it with the spike and how dad did it with the big buck at Indian Creek. I thought I was young in the dream and needed the first shoot. However, I am not young anymore so I don't have that privilege. In my dream I thought that though. Then when I woke up I thought well I am old now so don't get that right anymore. hahaha I love you guys so so so much and feel of the love and prayers that you have for my and my companion. I miss you and pray for you always!! Don't worry I am super super save. We have stopped the game of tag to be for saver. So don't worry mom. :) :) Love you :)

A ghost picture
Us doing weekly planning
Boots!! I bought boots from Mexico!! My Ward mission lead owns a house there and boots are cheap!!
These are my companion’s boots he got
We got lost in the area and found a golf course this is the end of the area