Yes I am doing so much better so no worries on that. I also got the email about my shirt. That is super crazy that Jackson comes home in less than 6 weeks!! Whoa. That is super awesome that Melissa did so well at her talk it is good that her personality was in it. Precious got baptized yesterday and her Brother Received the priesthood that day and so he baptized her it was very special. He gave her a huge hug after she came up out of the water. I am so glad that my miss haps and the bike are going around because I have another. Mom don't worry I am fine this one is different. So we are sitting with Jaytee during the 3rd hour and he turns to Elder Casteel and asked if the water in the fount was cold this time. (they like it cold) Well, We hadn't turned it on and church was lacking 10 minutes to end and then the baptism was right after. SO we ran to go turn it on. It is a small one so it doesn't take to long. Then we get them changed and then we go to look to see how full it is and JT wanted to see it so we took him and I walk over and peek my head around the edge to see how close we are to the top drain. Remember I am in the back and it doesn't have 2 entrees it only has one. so I look and it was almost there then I turn to walk back and smack my head on the wall that comes down for the mirror. I hit hard and started going down heading straight into the water. Bahaha I had the phone and my camera in my pockets. I started to black out. but then My brain and body kick in again and I start struggling to graphed anything but it was just the wall then. My body kicked in on my legs and I was able to catch myself before plummeting in the abyss of baptismal water. My companion was dying of laughter which gave the ok for Jaytee to start laughing it was pretty funny. However, I didn't fall in and just had a headache the rest of the day. For a Christmas gift? Someone made Texas Pillow cases- Mexican one and Texas and Mexico mixed that was cool but a lot of work. I am glad that the family is having success up and Hunting camp that is super good. It got a little chilly down here but nothing cold it is like a nice day up there. Some member made3 fun of us because they were telling us that we are from the North we should be use to that kind of weather. I am loving the work and can feel of your love everyday. I am trying to think of other things to write. Oh man I was wondering if you had any life's skills that you didn't teach to my before the mission on how to get your shirts whiter. Mine are bad because the water in the apartment was yellow but they fixed the pipe. so the water in the washing machine was yellow and I want to know any other ways that I didn't know about? I don't think there is because I was good at doing the laundry just not folding it. I have gotten better at that. Also never buy a front louder washing machines especially the water efficient HE ones the don't wash your clothes they just spreads the yucky-sweaty gung around. I hate them and hate is a strong word. I love you guys and can feel of your prayers everyday. keep praying for my Companion and I. He is an awesome missionary. I love you guys and pray for you offend. I hope that this next week goes very good and that it treats you nicely. Hope that you love the pictures I am trying to be better at taking more pictures. I couldn't think of anything for Christmas just start listening to that Christmas Music early for me if you aren't doing that yet. I think mom is though? I am bad a bust out in singing parts of ones to my companion. Like Melissa and Kenna do when you say a word from a song and they bust out singing yup that has been past down to me. My companion smile and just says that I am crazy.

It got cold! Ok at 70
Mom I thought you would love this tree
Bike in a Tree I thought you would like it
He baptized his sister
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