No I didn't get transferred niether did my companion!! :D That is awesome! Yes of course I watched Conference I am not in the jungle. Dad passed his test that is so great I have been praying a lot!! It has been chilly the past 2 days which is super warm for you guys. I got sick last night but I didn't throw up I fought it. I didn't want to vomit becase we all know that I hate to do that and when I do I start to cry and when that happens I want my mom and want to be hugged so I didn't want to wake up my companion at 1 and 4 in the morning so I could cry on his shoulder pr have him rub my back while I would be vomiting. Hahah I know I am a huge baby it is the Melissa in me. Sorry Melissa :P I also wrecked on my bike again but it wasn't bad I am ok. I just lifted up on my handle bars to soon to go up on a crub so I poped and wheely right before the curb then crashed into to it and flew of the side of my bike not the front the time so that was good. It was in a place where no one saw so you can imagine me doing it and it looked funny. I wasn't embarressed this time. How is my shirt coming are they going to give me a new one for free? I hope. I am glad that you guys had fun at conference. I am so very excited to stay another transfer with Elder Casteel he is super awesome and I love him so much. I felt bad when we found out transfer this morning becasue I just woke up and was so sick and tired so I didn't seem like my fun-wild crazy self when we found out. I gave him a big hug while still out of it though so that was nice. I love this area and love the people. The house of Michael and Kims is so beautiful!! Also what is the birthday of Ruby I forgot? I the weather is getting nicer here slowly we haven't had rain for a while. I forgot to write in my planner on the day of Pday what to write about this week so I am searching for things to write about. I hope that we are going to do ALL the things that they told us to do in General conference. Mom Visiting teaching :) It was good and very powerful I feel so blessed to be apart of this work at a wonderful time like this. There is huge history that has taken place the short while that I have been out. I hope we are doing all we can to do our part in it. I love all the talks and hope to review them again. My Companion and I are doing good. The work as slowed just a little this last week so we need to find more so pray that we can find. We still have a lot of great things happening and miracles everyday. Elder Casteel is doing so good he is impoving in Spanish really good he got discourage but I promised that it would click and yesterday it happened for a little bit so it is coming. :) HAHA I studder in both languages so I am not very well at both so it is funny. hahaha That happens to a lot down here. :) I am so glad that I have an amazing family like you guys and can feel your prayer for My companino and I everyday. Know that I love you and I am doing very well. I am trying to like of more that has happened but I can't remember right now?

The Wedding
The Wedding Again!
Little Sister Jumped in and wrapped arm around me. Award My hand is on the cupboards behind her.
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