Well to start out I am so greatful for every prayers and I have felt them everyday. I love this new area and know that the Lord is helping us. My companions name is Elder Vasquez and he is from LA and is a convert of 5 or 6 years. We have been working hard and have seen miricales. It is a good area and we have started to pretty much start from scratch so that is ok. Transffers are in a week so we think Elder Vasquez is leaving and we have been working hard so that I can get to know the area and the members. We cover 3 wards in a little area so that is confusing sometimes to tell them what time church starts for them. It is because we have spanish ward that covers all the area and then a English ward and Brach and the bounty runs in the middle of the area if that makes sence. I get a long with my new compain so that is good. LAst week was crazy right when I arrived and was dropped of we went to go shopping last monday and email then go play soccer and I hadn't unpacked a single thing and barely had any clothing. then that night we didn't have anything planned because about 30 mintues before I arrived my new companion had just found out that I was coming. Then Early the next day it was off for a 3 day training in McAllen I would be staying there and I had no clean clothes so I was hering up to do the wash. Miracle that we had a washing machine and dryer and they are boss. The training was super fun in fact right after it the second day to work in a Zone leaders area there all the appointments canceled and the zone leader was new to the area so he didn't know where the memebers lived so it was talking to everyone in the rain. Then while seeing frogs everywhere ELder Welker started caughting them and then I did and you would have a hidden frog in your hand and shake the persons hand witht the other we caught 17 frogs and one huge toad so big we couldn't get a picture of him because he jumped out the back when we were driving. So working and having fun while doing it. Then I came back late thursday night and had not that much time to work and then friday weekly planning and a ward activity of going to less active in the area inviting them to a dinner and I almost had to go with a memeber just bymyslef but we changed that because I knew nothing of the area of members so It was My companion, a member, and I. SO that was nice no one came to church for us this last sunday but these past 2 days we havebeen so blessed. I put the bag balm in there because it was 10 bucks and I didn't want to haul it around so I send it home. I am out of time so sorry. Know that I love you and I am happy that the Lord trusted in me to be here. It was a crazy week and half so far and it keeps getting better and better. I love you so much. Love Elder Wilding.

My Pumpkin (My mom and I decided it was an elk)
We got a new mop!
My Old Apartment (Those are some tall boys)!
we were so wet! This is Elder Welker and I worked with him and another Mission durning the 3 day training last week
While you're out working in the rain might as well caught frogs and put them in the truck while walking around talking to people ahha pues
Elders Wilding, White, and Welker the 2 zone leaders I workede with for 2 days
My Dad! He comes home the same time as Jackson!
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