So the morning that we woke up and found all the snow is the morning that we had to drive to McAllen 45 minutes away and on the day just because of the cold and everything school statrt at 10:00 that morning. Also there closed down the express way and it wasn't even bad at all. I got to drive the Zone Leaders Van so that was fun. Before I drove I relized that I hadn't driven since july!! Whoa. Everytime it gets hard, when the wind pushes a little bit harder than you think you can push the words of Mike come it my head Head down, push, and work hard Last week it was super cold also!! It is cold on the bikes because you create your own wind and then when the wind is blowing against you it is double the worst. Also I called that number earlier in the week and now my card is working so that is good. It is crazy that you guys haven't been receive lots of mositer because last year and the start of this year as been so wet. That is good to hear that great-grandma is doing better I can't believe she will have 99 years this year!! Whoa Yea you told me about the letter that is so so very cool!! Not going to lie I pray she makes it to May!! :) We there isn't to much new not that I can think about right now. We are still working with Victor he was suppose to get baptized yesterday but felll ill I guess. He is so crazy!! Oh also transferrs are tomorrow and I am staying and so is my companion. The only one in the District that is leaving is Elder Bertrand who just finished training Elder Nielson and his new Companion is Elder Gualette (Sp) the other missionary from Pocatello Julieanne Knows his mother. He will be in the District with us and live with us so that is cool and exciting. So it looks like I will finish up the mission in this area or get trunkie transferred which means the last 6 weeks or the mission go to that area and then die, Which is a jargon in the missionary language for the time that you finish your mission your dead, that is hard right. WHen I first got into the mission and my trainer told me oh yea he already died talking about a missionary and didn't put to much thought it in while saying it. I responded wait more missionaries have died!!??? With a scared face then he had to explain to me that it is a saying in the mission langauge or a jargon. So that is what it is looking like for me. I am glad to stay here. We have a mountain to still climb and work and I felt a little overwhelmed this morning but I will reiterate the quote from my beloved unlce Kim and one Apostle that I can't remember and that is to Work, Work, Work. Reiterated over the pulpuit was Tate Shup Up and Work. So that is plan that the spirit told me this morning while I was pondering. Work, work, work, and pray the Lord will help out and make up the faults. I know it can be done. other than that I am doing super good. Keeping the faith and head up high. Just like the song says on the blists CD Hold! Hold you head you high. Which he I was younger I distinctively remember singing blow! Blow your head off then mother correcting me, I don't know if you recall that Mom? haha well sorry that I am so random today that is how it always is. It has and is so coming to pass would President Dye said when you set me apart. You will be rejuvenated in the work while remembering the love that your family has for you. Oh how that was so true and directed by the spirit. I am grateful that Melissa Roberts was so fast and took such great-careful notes. I am running out of time here for emailing. I love you guys so much and can feel the love and prayers dumping out on me here while I work. I am doing wonderful and I love this work with all my heart just How I love the Savior and you all. I am sorry that I have miss spelled so many words I am trying to use them a lot so that I can know them in my native language and then use them in Spanish. No spell check today. i can say the words the hard part is the spelling. love ya.

They are twins
More Cat!
Exchanges with Elder Sanderson
haha all tuckered out.
the book of mormon in spanish does that to ya
Brrr! It has been cold outside!
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