Before me, it can wait. So Kenna is engaged to get MARRIED YES MARRIED!! That is super awesome!!! Oh man! It is cool that I already know ALex because there are missionaries brothers and sister that get married and they don't know the person. Think they can wait a year? JK :) I am super excited to hear this and am glad that Kenna is happy!! You guys went to a strike whoa so rebellious of you guys!! Elder Sanderson and I on Monday received a call for the Aps and they are talking to Elder Sander and tell him to but it on speaker phone and he does. then they tell both of us that the Lord as called us to both be new district leaders! Oh man. And ask us to come down the next day for a training in McAllen. So that is were we went yesterday it was fun. So we don't know who is leaving or staying? We also Baptized the Robles family on Sunday it was so awesome to see the changes in them and especially the Mother. :) Also in the district Elder Bosselman got called to be a zone leader and His companion to train! Huge changes in the district/apartment. I am super nervous to be a district leader but it will be awesome to learn and grow for other and this. Sad to see Sanderson leave but couldn't last forever. I will try and send pictures it the computer will work this time? We are doing well here in the mission being blessed will a ton of miracles. I love this work. Hey you guys get to watch the huge mission conference too right?? Biggest that has every happened!! That is crazy that school is already out wow why is the time going? I am glad to hear that everything is going o.k. Yes there has been flooding here and flash floods. Some areas were closed down for a couple of days and we have to be super careful about driving it puddles the deep ones ruin the cars. We went to the store where they and the horns they were only 50 bucks but they were huge!!! I think it will be hard to send them home? So I didn't get them well yet hehe. The trip was fun yesterday I was the only on in the car who had been in McAllen and to the chapel and got us a little lost? opps. I forget how big the mission is it is super green and the highway is by the boarder the whole way. Love you guys so much pray and wish me luck :)
Amor Elder Wilding.
Dear President Trayner,
We were able to have the Robles family be baptized on Sunday. It was such a blessing to see them change and have more peace in their life. They are doing good and are growing closer to our Savior more and more. The ward has helped a ton on taking them under their wings too.
We are still working with the Chick family they came to church this last week and are progressing pretty fast. We want to have the mom understand more on the Book of Mormon. Doing good we need to work more on having them have more friends at church too.
We struggled bad last week on finding new investigators and member presents. We have lots of less actives in our area we have been trying to work better through them for finding and help them come back. We want to add more to our teaching pool and to have the faith that the Lord is preparing those families and people to hear this message.
Elder Sanderson and I are nervous and excited to hear about the changes but it will be fun and more growing.
Amor, Elder Wilding
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