How is the family?! All up in the Mountains :) I am jealous but at the same time not. :) hahah I got the pictures of Melissa they were cool. Thanks Elder Bawden thought it would be funny to put them up all on the walls in my room. I am doing super good down here the heat hasn't melted me yet. My Greene is doing super good and is learning fast it is fun to have a Greene. We are doing really good and learning and growing everyday. Melissa y scared me when you told me 10 months then Elder Bawden took the time to take the picture of the mile marker 10 of IC and put months with a sticky note. Funny quote from My Greene. I started to sing how does she know that you love her then got myself I think I was clean when I was singing. then he said "Guys that don't get girls. They should watch Disney Princess show because that teaches them to get one!" Haha Then I wanted to say to a sister whose is a member in our area and I wanted to say do you want me to move this slide. But I didn't know how to say Slide in Spanish so I say in Spanish where do you want me to put this eslide? Haha she laugh and said here. Then the next time during Spanish study I looked up out to say slide in Spanish and to my surprise they are the same but I didn't know how to say the word in English or never heard of it before. So I run out to ask the other Elders and I say hey guys do you know what this word means saying it in the best way I could say it Toobaggooonnn? I say well something like that? I they all started to laugh and said toboggan Wilding! Oh haha that means a Sled in English and a slide in Spanish they though it was pretty funny because I wasn't even close to saying it right. oops. hehe How is the family doing? The weather here as been so hot it is crazy!! :) I love you guys so much!! Also I think next week I will be sending home a package full of some stuff that I have got on my mission from me and other people.
Hola President Maluenda! Bienvenido.
Soy El Elder Wilding. Estoy en Laredo.
Pues esta semana pasado fue muy bien. pudimos logar muchas metas.
Primero estamos trabando con una familia se llama la family Pantoja y ellos estan haciendo muy bien. Sin el papa de esta familia fueron a la iglesia y les gusto mucho. El tiene que trabajar cada domingo pero el esta teniendo las leccion tambien.
tambien trabajamos con una hermana se llama Gloria todo de su familia son miembros. Ella tiene una fecha de baptismal este domingo pero su novio va a regresar de trabajo y no son casados y esta es la cosa que necsitamos aggreglar. Ella ya fue a ;a iglesia muchas veces.
Luego Tenemos una hermana se llama Marlen y ella esta progresando a su fecha muy bien. Vive con una miembro de la iglesia. Y toda mira bien para ella.
Elder Miller mi companero esta aprendiendo muy rapido y tiene mucha animo por esta obra. Y su espanol esta mejorando tambien.
El districto esta muy bien Southgate tuvo que adgregar neuvas personas porque sus otros no estaban progressando. Los ELderes estan trabajando muy duro para tener baptismo para juilio.
Amor, Elder Wilding :)
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